Posts tagged atomic habits
Healthy Habits and the Raging Mob Inside Me

Here’s the thing, I want help to make better habits, have more free mental space, make movement toward my goals in life, see real change and have it feel like no big deal to keep it all going. I wanted to read Atomic Habits, even though it made me a little ragey. I essentially asked James Clear to give me his sage advice straight to my eyeballs! 

But be that as it may, I can’t completely shake this annoyed feeling as though too much is being asked of me. I want to form a new habit of going to the gym routinely, but I also don’t like the implication that it’s easy - just start! Then just keep doing it! Over and over without accounting for the weather or the fluctuating demand of your job or your home renovation or all the meals you need to plan and purchase and cook!

How optimal can we be if our lives are not lived on paper (you might have time every day to go to the gym), but are lived in a centrifuge of crazy that is the world in 2023? Can I just get a little bit of understanding for real life?

I am not Michael Phelps. I am not training for the Olympics. I am just trying to reduce my risk of stroke and have some inkling of a bicep in each of my stickperson arms. 

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