Posts tagged creative writing
Creative Writing in the Wild

Writing doesn’t have to be produced by a professional throwing crumpled pages over her shoulder and stewing over a “piece” deep into the night in order to have a powerful effect.

It can be furiously typed into a text chain with the use of one very focused thumb or scribbled on a post-it note left on one’s office door (Do not knock unless it is an emergency. I have no self control and will talk to you for hours, neglect my work, eventually go bald with the stress of trying constantly to catch up, and lose the respect of my boss and my family). You get it.

My recent experience with creative writing in the wild landed in my inbox one Saturday morning as I scrolled on my phone in a hotel in Sedona, AZ, trying not-that-hard to not wake my boyfriend with my giggling before the sun had even come up.

The email I read and reread while laughing silently to myself was simply too good not to share. Please enjoy:

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