Posts tagged how to be present
Trapped in the G Suite

I’m trapped in the G-Suite and I keep bumping around into walls and kitchen tables looking for an exit, like a Sim who’s glitching out.

I wake up and check my email. I know where I’m going and what I’m doing and when because Google calendar buzzes and tells me so. When I have a blank day in the G-cal, I look around aimlessly wondering what I should be doing.

When did this happen? College?? When did I put my brain on ice and assign someone else, a color-coded robot, to lead the charge?

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Presence Takes Practice: How to Be Where You Actually Are

In 2015 I was in grad school, but I was not in grad school.

I was working on my Master’s degree and struggling significantly with being in the moment, with letting the “working on my degree” be enough.

The explanation that I was stressed because I was in grad school full time and working two part time jobs didn’t seem to really cut it. There was something lingering under the typical, predictable “student stress.”

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