Posts tagged meaning in life
Meaning Making: A Turquoise Ring in the Rain

I have three degrees, all focusing on psychology. I have taken classes on Sociology and Positive Psychology and Geology, although that last one I really did not want to take, but Ohio State made me take it for an unbelievable cost per credit hour in order to make me more “well rounded,” which I have interpreted to mean “poor.”

In the psychology classes that I took we covered all the bits and bobs of the human experience. We learned about what an incredible milestone it is for babies to realize that just because the ball is under the couch doesn’t mean the ball is gone from the universe, but just hidden from their view (I realize this example really applies more to dogs, but I mother a dog, so).

We learned about how people behave anywhere from “kind of” to “super” unhinged in groups, like turning over cars after a particularly intense sporting event or I don’t know…storming the capitol of a major democracy.

You know, frat stuff.

We also learned about grief and acceptance and uncertainty and loss, and just how people move through very big and difficult things in life. The most universally effective thing one could do in order to move through a painful or momentous experience, was to be able to derive meaning from it.

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