Posts tagged becoming a writer
As Long as I Don't Think About Capitalism, I'm Fine: Life as A Writer Who Has Yet to “Make It”

When I spend a few hours writing, editing, formatting, and scheduling a blog post, I feel good and accomplished.

When I write and schedule the accompanying newsletter, I feel even better.

When I make a Pin in Canva and upload it to Pinterest and hit publish, I feel like a real business owner.

When I get in a high-energy and creative mood and make (“batch” as we in the content creation industry - whether we like it or not - call it) quippy social posts, I feel like a queen of social media strategy.

But, when the money or the “audience” doesn’t grow to match all the effort, my spark and pride for all my work feels a touch dimmer.

As long as I don’t think about Capitalism, I love being a writer.

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The Origin Story of a Writer: Cardboard Books & A Shadow Career

I’m always interested in the origin stories of the writers and authors whose work I adore.

Some of them, more than one, have stories of living in their cars before “making it.” Some have a Masters in Fine Arts, but were good writers even before they sold their first born to the bursar.

Some were and are regular ole people who love to lament about the act of writing all day until they sit down at their computer at night out of self loathing and a deep need to produce something, and then draft some of the most hilarious and relevant shit I’ve read in my life.

I started to think of my own origin story, and how it is weirder and less romantic but still interesting. I scribbled it down to make sense of it, as I always do.

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