Posts tagged how to become a writer
As Long as I Don't Think About Capitalism, I'm Fine: Life as A Writer Who Has Yet to “Make It”

When I spend a few hours writing, editing, formatting, and scheduling a blog post, I feel good and accomplished.

When I write and schedule the accompanying newsletter, I feel even better.

When I make a Pin in Canva and upload it to Pinterest and hit publish, I feel like a real business owner.

When I get in a high-energy and creative mood and make (“batch” as we in the content creation industry - whether we like it or not - call it) quippy social posts, I feel like a queen of social media strategy.

But, when the money or the “audience” doesn’t grow to match all the effort, my spark and pride for all my work feels a touch dimmer.

As long as I don’t think about Capitalism, I love being a writer.

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